Grilled Stuffed Red Peppers

I hate recipes that don't give me EXACT measurements but I cannot for the life of me find the recipe for these delicious stuffed red peppers. Trust me - they're easy and you'll get the hang of it. Get as many red peppers as you want (usually one per person - get them with good, flat bottoms so they'll sit on the grill better). Wash, deseed and cut the tops off. Get some crusty bread (Italian/french). Get some sharp cheddar cheese (most cheddar is white out here). Basil flakes, garlic and olive oil. Cut up the crusty bread into bite size pieces (big is ok). Cut up the cheese into chunks. Heat up some olive oil in a pan. Add some garlic (to taste - about 2 cloves minced or 1 tsp. of the jarred minced garlic) and some basil (maybe 1 tsp. - to taste). Heat up the "croutons" until they're nice and hard. Take off the heat and mix them with the cheese. Then stuff that into the red pepper. Put the tops back on and secure with toothpicks. Put them on the grill until the cheese is melted (not too hot that it burns the pepper). The picture of the stuffed pepper above is probably too underdone - cheese needed to melt some more.
And voila! That's it!!! SOOOOOO yummy!
(I always make too much of the stuffing and we just end up snacking on it... I haven't mastered the ratio of stuffing to peppers yet).
